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How to manage TikTok feed

Once you have done connecting the account and setting up your feeds, it’s important to learn how to manage them. We will guide you on how to add a new feed, activate, deactivate, and delete one.

Go to Mageplaza TikTok Feed > Manage Feeds to manage all your TikTok feeds.

Add new feed: click the Create button or Add new feed button to create a TikTok feed.

Edit feeds: Click on any feed to edit and update feed information.

Change feed status: Tick the checkbox of each feed or the Feed name checkbox to select all feeds.

Activate: Enable the feed status.

Deactivate: Disable the feed status.

Delete: Remove the feed. On the confirmation popup, select Delete to confirm the deletion or Cancel to retain the feed.

Copy Feed ID: Use Feed IDs to display the feed block on your theme. To copy them, use one of the two ways below

Option 1: On the list, hover and copy the feed ID.

Copy feed ID on Theme 2.0

Coppy Feed on Vintage theme

Option 2: Go to a feed and copy Feed ID in the settings.

Show feed ID when edit feed on Theme 2.0

Show feed ID when edit feed on Vintage theme

If you want to hide a feed, we recommend deactivating it rather than deleting it completely. When you deactivate a feed, you can later activate it again. But if you delete a feed, its data can’t be recovered.